Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are dogs or other pets allowed?
Yes, however only one animal (max 15 kg) per unit and you have to seek permission before moving in.
2. How many people may share an apartment?
In Trongården’s rental units the number of occupants may not exceed the number of rooms.
3. Do I have to pay for the electricity separately?
Yes, electricity is not included in the rent. Electricity will be billed directly from the distributor
4. Do I have to pay for heating?
Yes, heating is not included in the rent. Heating will be billed directly from the distributor.
5. Is there pram and bicycle parking?
yes, there is an outdoor shed for parking bicycles and prams.
6. TV signal and internet; who is the provider?
The apartments are prepared to receive YouSee signal via wireless router placed in the technical cupboard. Please note; connection fee may apply. Subscriptions individual.
7. How much is the deposit?
Deposit of 3 months and 1 month prepaid rent is required.
8. Is it possible to rent a parking space?
Yes, it is possible to rent a parking space on terrain. A limited number of spaces available.
9. Who is the landlord?
Letting is managed by LokalBolig Projekt.
10. Is there a storage room?
Some units have storage rooms in the apartment. See floor plans for info.
Units that do not have a storage room will be assigned a secured storage room in an outdoor shed.
11. Am I allowed to put up extra walls?
No, the floor plan of the apartment may not be altered.
12. Can I paint the walls?
Yes, but the apartment may only be painted in light, neutral colours. Textured paint may not be used. Any repair/maintenance must be carried out by professional craftsmen.
13. Can I set up fence around the terrace on a ground floor apartment?
No, it is not allowed to set up fence around the terraces.
14. Can I have a BBQ on the terrace?
Yes, but using gas grills only.